Baltimore Metro REACT is a volunteer, not for profit, 501 c-3 tax exempt organization
Designed & Maintained by Illusion Branders        Member Login

Safety Wake Break
The Safety Wake Break Program is a program that many REACT teams throughout the country take part in. The very successful idea is to give drivers a chance to stretch out and get some food and coffee in their stomachs during a long holiday travel.

Organized and operated mostly at state owned rest areas along major interstates and highways, Safety Wake Breaks are very effective and are credited to have prevented many possible accidents caused by sleepy and less attentive drivers during a busy holiday travel.

Baltimore Metro REACT plans on implementing this program this year during the following holidays:

Easter Sunday
Memorial Day & Weekend
Labor Day & Weekend
Thanksgiving Day & Weekend
Christmas Eve (To Be Determined)

Donated food and coffee are essential to the success of this program. If you or anybody you know would be willing to donate any food or coffee, please email us at